July 13, 2010

Got My Quinoa and Yesties Today!

  • Received a care package from home today, complete with quinoa and yesties! Chocolate-covered cacao nibs too! Luckily didn't have to pay outrageous customs fees... was worried about that. Thank you, MOM and DAD!
  • Spent most of today in Essaouira. My site is only about 40-50km from Essa, but Essa is literally a good 20-30 degrees cooler than my site. I will be making many escape trips this summer...
  • I love the shopkeepers in Essa. Friendliest people. Most talkative people. Unbelievably talkative... had tea and donuts in a shop that I entered with the hopes of simply buying some cheap tupperware. If they don't invite me in for tea, they just smile and laugh a lot, which keeps my spirits high.
  • Bought a fan. It's a cheapie, but is keeping me from melting right now.
  • Also bought a blender today. Not a cheapie. Can't wait to start making fresh juices, nut butters, and grinding my own coffee! I have plans to make a fresh melon-mint juice tomorrow for breakfast, insha'allah.
  • Put mosquito screens on my kitchen and bedroom windows. Will hopefully sleep without fears of mosquitoes and scorpions creepin' in on me.
  • Still looking around for a shower head nozzle. Next home-improvement project: connect shower nozzle to my bathroom faucet...
  • My water was working at 11pm tonight, which I still don't believe was true.
  • Off to sleep now.Was a long and tiring day...

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